If you follow my store's blog for awhile, you probably have noticed the cute little boy in the picture in the righthand column. This is my former neighbor and friend's son Luke.
His mom is currently asking for Prayer Warriors to pray for him for the next 30 days as they travel to another state to see a new Specialist...
Here is from her blog...
Seeking 30!
The next 30 days are HUGE for Luke. Without a lot of deal, we are seeking AT LEAST 30 people to commit to praying for Luke for the next 30 days (one person per day); however, we would LOVE 30 million. Big decisions will take place in 30 days that will change Luke’s life forever. I am seeking prayer warriors. I know this posting doesn’t allow for a lot of detail, but God knows all the details surrounding this prayer request. Our family will be happy to share more information after 30 days, but for now, if God is tugging at your heart to pray for Luke for 30 days, will you?
People ask our family all the time, “how can we help?” Here it is … you can pray with us; for us.
30 days … for Luke.
If you know prayer warriors (people who pray without ceasing; without doubt; people who pray even without us asking), can you PLEASE pass along this posting? Can you share this posting on your Facebook page, so that every willing person will pray for sweet Luke.
30 days … for Luke.
And this is from the other day that explains it a little more...
Treatments ... Appointments ... Prayer
I haven’t shared a lot with friends about Luke’s treatment and therapy. I guess my thinking is: it’s Luke’s life and I don’t want to put too much “out there.” This past week we had a follow-up appointment from Luke’s recent treatment. As the Dr was going through everything, I couldn’t help but wonder if she was talking about another child or someone else’s life. We were discussing what’s the next step for Luke. What’s best for Luke. To make a very long story, short; we are being referred out of state. We will leave in March.
Oh, how this referral brought back a flood of memories … even the same month. When we were being referred to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, I remember really dizzy all the time – like the world around me was spinning out of control, but I was standing still watching it all whirl around me. I couldn’t make myself cry any tears – I was numb all over. It was March 2011. It was going to be “our answer.” It was the trip that would cure Luke and we would bring our little boy home – healed- healed completely. During that trip, we got answers. Answers that we were not ready for; answers that broke our hearts; answers that were for another family, not ours. The Dr looked at us and said, “Your son may not walk, may not talk, may not recover much more than this. I just can’t say. Children surprise us all the time. However, the prognosis isn’t great. It’s not what you want to hear, but be blessed that you have a child.”
I remember looking at that Dr eye to eye with tears flowing down like heavy, uncontrollable rain and challenged, “Then prepare yourself for a surprise because this isn’t good enough for us.”
God has worked through Luke in so many ways – big and small. God has shown our family that He knows the plan He has for Luke. MRIs, specialists, and out of state referrals can’t compete with our Father who is all-knowing – our Great Physician. We have watched small miracles like little fingers moving ever so slightly – we have watched bigger miracles of feet walking. God has been so good to our family. Blessing us with miracle after miracle on His time, which has always come at the perfect time.
Luke along with our “unit” will be traveling again … in March … again, out of state. This time, my world isn’t spinning around me like a blur. This time I can let my tears fall freely. This time will be different. I know this trip will be different because God has given our family all the answers we desire; all the answers we need. God has shown us that Luke IS our little boy – no matter what Drs say, MRIs say, or even the people in the world around say – Luke IS our sweet, little boy. I go with a new confidence and a peace within my soul.
Even though we aren’t putting the name or location “out there” for everyone, we are seeking prayer from anyone and everyone. We believe in prayer. Please pray for safe travel, please pray for the Drs that will evaluate Luke, please pray for God to be ever-present in the minds of the specialists we will see … please pray. You can join us now … it’s never too early to talk to God. If Luke is brought to mind, please pray for this trip.
As always – thank you –
I wanted to include this silly video clip of Luke. This is Luke at Wolfson Hospital before his last treatment. He’s such a silly boy with a giggle that melts my heart. You would never know how incredibly scared and anxious he was before his treatment - a treatment that physically hurts and one he dreads severely. Luke has nightmares weeks and weeks before & after treatments … often cries during the day just thinking of it. Luke will often complain of stomachaches because of his anxiety of treatment. Recently, he was asked if he had 3 wishes what would they be: Luke responded with 1. Everyone should know Jesus; 2. I wish I could play all day everyday with my friends; and 3. I wish I didn’t have any more treatments. For a little boy who lives with pain, Luke refuses to complain. We love this glimpse of Luke and we hope you do also. Luke is one sweet boy who loves to laugh.
Please pray with me for Luke and his family.
Although we don't know the whole story of what they will be going through, God knows. And God hears our prayers.
I have chosen to read a chapter of the Book of Luke every day for the next 30 days in honor of Luke Akerstrom. I will end up reading a few chapters a second time since there are only 24 chapters in Luke.
You don't have to do this as well. But if you would at least say a simple prayer for Luke, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
I absolutely will pray for Luke! Thank you for passing on the prayer request!
Posted by: Melissa Malone | January 28, 2013 at 03:01 PM